Dinner was coming along when I put something in the microwave to cook, and low and behold, all the lights and sounds and action of a working microwave but again, no real power, no heat. That appliance bill was getting bigger, and my husband was getting grumpier. Not to mention it felt incredibly hot and stuffy in the kitchen.
But even with all those malfunctioning appliances, dinner was cooked, served, and while being consumed, we noticed the lights seemed a tiny bit dimmer. As we talked, we noticed, that yes indeedy, the lights were definitely dimmer! In fact, as it got darker outside, the lights seemed to be growing dimmer exponentially! We may be a little bit slow around my house, but it dawned on us that either we were in the midst of a twilight zone episode or something was wrong with our power! It truly was spooky: while we waited on the power company to come determine the problem, the house grew stiflingly hot and the lights quickly dimmed and then went out completely. By about 9:30 the whole house was dark and quiet (and did I mention, HOT?)
Thank heavens for Progress Energy! They arrived and quickly determined we had some problem with the place where the power came from the street to our house. Some fuse or something or other was blown and hence almost no power was getting to our house. It looked for all the world like we were connected to power--the line was connected, the appliances were ready to do whatever they are supposed to do, the lamps and lights had working light bulbs all ready to supply all the light we needed, and the air conditioner was trying to cool the house. But nothing worked because the source of power had been cut off. We had all the bells and whistles but no power. Not until Progress replaced the fuse or repaired whatever was preventing the power from coming through the lines from the power source to our house did we get any power. But, o, glory, when that power line got reconnected, we had air conditioning! We had lights! We had working washing machines and whirring blenders, and baking ovens!
The thing is, we could have the nicest appliances, the most fanciest lights, the most efficient cooling system, but if we don't have power, it's all for absolutely no avail. Without power, we got nothing except a dark, hot, useless shell of a house.
Isn't that so true of our lives? We tend to get so preoccupied with all the bells and whistles, all the trappings of "life," yet we grow exhausted and discouraged and frazzled because we are not connected to The Power Source. How often have I tried to rush out into my busy day without first being sure I am connected to the infinite power of my Savior? And then I wonder why I can't seem to get anything done or why I snap at my children or why I feel utterly ungrateful for all the manifold blessings bestowed upon me by my Extravagant Lord.
Jesus made it abundantly clear for us: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in Him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me, you can do nothing." John 15:5 O, Lord Jesus, I am such a slow learner--or such a quick forgetter! Help me to daily, hourly abide in You, my power source and the source of every blessing and every good thing in my life. Today, will you stop and choose to abide in the Lord Jesus? When you feel discouraged or discontented or distracted or defeated, will you go to Him and ask Him to teach you what it means to quietly abide in Him. To, in the words of Brother Lawrence, "practice His presence" and acknowledge that He is right there with you and ask Him to guide and direct your thoughts and actions and words. Tell Him simply, "Yes Lord" to whatever He has for you today. And then rest in Him, Your power source.
When you do, you'll see those dimming lights start to come alive and hear the air conditioning of your heart start humming again in the light of His presence and power and peace. To Him be all the glory!