"Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the flood came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it." (Matt.7:24-27)
When we were at the beach last week, we experienced a taste of this parable. Our very first night, Hurricane Isaias blew through. Now maybe you're wondering why on earth we'd head to the beach right before a hurricane was coming? Well, for one thing, we had rented the house, and we desperately wanted to get down there and enjoy it. But we also figured, how bad could this storm really be? After all, Isaias was "just" a level One hurricane and wasn't expected to make a direct hit on the particular beach where we were staying.
Let me just say--we clearly underestimated the power of a hurricane. That night none of us slept (except the baby--who quite literally "slept like a baby"). The whole house shook, swayed, and creaked. Even our beds were moving. Whipping wind and rain slashed the house, and lighting and thunder periodically ripped and rumbled. The next morning, all of us said the same thing: throughout the night we each worried and waited for the house to collapse at any moment. For the record, it was not a fun evening.
But the house stood firm.
Yes, it swayed and shook with the blasting winds and rain. But despite the ferocity of the storm, our friend's well built home stood strong. That next morning, we looked but couldn't find even one crack or bit of damage--the house remained completely snug and safe. This house might have been built right next to the ocean, but it clearly rested on rock, not on sand.
Notice that Jesus didn't say, if you build your house, your life, on His words, then you'll be spared the storms of life. No, storms will come; storms are an inevitable part of everyone of our lives. But if we build our lives on His Word, meaning we read His Word, believe His Word, and obey His Word, those storms can do their worst, but they will not destroy us. Yes, we may shake and shudder, but we will not succumb. Yes, we may grow faint and weary, but we will not fail. Because He will not fail. Never, ever.
Right now the world feels like it's shaking and shuddering. Many of us have grown discouraged and worn out with the battles, the divisiveness, the isolation, the uncertainty, the upheaval, the vitriol. I know I sure have. I've hit the wall more than once and thought, "How long, Lord? How long?" And perhaps we worry that maybe this time the storms will finally be too much, that maybe these storms will overcome us or God's kingdom.
But Almighty God and His Word are eternal, changeless, and unconquerable. Jesus has defeated and decimated our greatest enemies of satan, sin, and death, so He can and will surely conquer any storms that come into our lives. No matter the shaking and roaring, the Lion of Judah will prevail. His Word will prevail. His Kingdom will prevail. And because we are in Him, we will ultimately prevail.
As James Bryant Smith says, "You are one in whom Christ dwells and delights. And you live in the strong and unshakeable Kingdom of God. His Kingdom is not in trouble, and neither are you."
Thank You, Jesus, for being our Rock. Thank You that we can build our lives upon You and Your eternal Word. Thank You that no matter what storms rage against us, Your Kingdom will prevail and stand strong. And thank You that in You, our Rock, we, too, will prevail and will one day live with You forever in glory.
To God be the glory.