Monday, July 5, 2010

Prayer for our nation

Happy birthday, America! How thankful I am to live in this nation and to enjoy all the freedoms and blessings won for us by the blood, sweat, and tears of countless men and women before us. Forgive us, Lord, for how easily we can take these priceless gifts for granted. Yesterday, our pastor encouraged us to join him (and a number of other churches) in committing to praying every single day for our nation, as well as our families and churches, from July 4 through election day November 2nd. If anyone is reading this, I hope you will join me in praying for our nation (and families and churches, of course!) through election day. How our nation needs revival and restoration. The news seems to be all bad--from our rejection of the Lord in nearly every public arena to our decline in moral values to our frightening economic situation to the seemingly impossible wars we are waging against those who wish to destroy us. One could be tempted to despair.
But with God, we can never ever despair for with Him, all things are possible. As Winston Churchill urged in what was surely the shortest but most powerful commencement address ever given and delivered right in the midst of the dark days of World War II: "Never give up. Never give up. Never, never, never give up." I am reminded of a verse I read not long ago in Numbers 11:23 where God asks an anxious Moses, "Is the Lord's arm too short?" No! If in God's extravagant grace and mercy, He chooses to forgive and restore this nation, then He can and will do it. And that is my prayer. Below is Peter Marshall's prayer for America. It is even more appropriate today than when he penned these words over 60 years ago:
Our Father, we pray for this land. We need Thy help in this time of testing and uncertainty, when men who could fight together on the field of battle seem strangely unable to work together around conference tables for peace.
May we begin to see that all true Americanism beings in being Christian; that it can have no other foundation, as it has no other roots.
To Thy glory was this Republic established. For the advancement of the Christian faith did the Founding Fathers give their life's heritage, passed down to us.
We would pray that all over this land there may be a return to the faith of those men and women who trusted in God as they faced the perils and dangers of the frontier, not alone in crossing the continent, in building their cabins, in rearing their families in eking out a livelihood, but in raising a standard of faith to which men have been willing to repair down through the years.
Thou didst bless their efforts. Thou didst bless America. Thou hast made her rich. Wilt Thou also make her good?
Make us, the citizens of this land, want to do the right things. Make us long to have right attitudes. Help us to be Christian in our attitudes. Let all that we do and say spring out of understanding hearts.
Make us willing to seek moral objectives together, that in united action this nation may be as resolute for righteousness and peace as she has been for war.
Bless those who bear responsibility. May they be led by Thee to do that which is right rather than that which is expedient or politically wise. Save us from politicians who seek only their own selfish interests. Illumine the minds of management as well as labor, that there may be an end to selfishness and greed, to the stupidity of men who are unable to find in reasonable agreement solutions to the problems that plague us.
Bless this land that we love so much, our Father, and help her to deposit her trust, not in armies and navies, in wealth and material resources, or in achievements of the human mind, but in that righteousness which alone exalteth any nation, and by which alone peace can finally come to us. This we ask in that name that is above every name, Thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.
Amen, Lord, and to be all the glory!

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