Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our identity as moms

The other day I heard Lysa Terquerst share that "Sometimes, we moms base the solidity of our identities on the fragile choices of our children." That is so true. When my children make good choices and are doing well, I feel happy and secure and content. But when they make poor choices or when they fail in some way, I always feel like I have failed as a mom. My identity must never come from my children's successes or failures, from the organization or lack thereof of my home, from my appearance, from my friends or my stuff or my gifts. My identity and worth come from Christ. My identity comes from the fact that the God of the universe saw me, even in all my sin and failure, and said, "I choose her. I want her as my beloved child. She is my girl."
So for those of us who struggle in this area, stop building the solidity of your identity on your children's fragile choices. "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand." Your identity and worth comes from Christ; He is the solid Rock that will never fail or disappoint. He has loaned you those children to love and guide and mentor, but ultimately we must entrust them to Him and to His plans for each of them. We must "be courageous enough to allow God to write their testimony." To Him be the glory.

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