Thursday, June 12, 2014

The mountains, finally, and resting

     It was the usual mad dash to get the car packed--and I mean packed.  A few unnamed individuals in our family turn the tiniest bit grumpy when we pack...has something to do with another unnamed individual's propensity to pack waaaaaay too much.  But that's an issue for another day.
     The point is, when we finally crammed ourselves, the dog, the food, the golf clubs, the clothes, the tennis rackets, the dog toys, the games, the books, and the computers into the car...all the rushing and huffing and puffing and grumbling ceased.  We were on our way, and what had seemed totally not worth it 5 frazzled minutes earlier, now seemed abundantly, incredibly worth it now.  Already the sky looked slightly bluer and the future looked brighter...and we had just turned onto the highway heading west.
     And then, about an hour or two later, we saw it: our first glimpse of the mountains--

 The highway threaded it's way towards our distant goal--God's foothills.  For the first time in months, I truly exhaled and felt the stress of life begin to evaporate.
     When we arrived, Bingley, of course, went crazy.  He'd never smelled such a staggering abundance of smells or seen so much green, open territory.  Or maybe he sensed our joy...but he surely appeared to have an ever-present smile on his face.  When we got outside and sat on the porch, he was at DEFCON I.  Staring intently out over the valley, he was poised and ready to leap or bark or run at the slightest provocation.  If only my children were this alert when we're talking to them.  Yeah, well Bingley doesn't have a cell phone.
Here's what he was looking at so intently--
     And a little later, it looked like this--

     I've been reading a lot about rest in Hebrews, and I must say, this is rest.  A time to finally put down all those burdens of schedules, school, responsibilities, worries, chores, to do lists and simply breathe deep of God's beauty and grace.  Sloooow down.  Listen to Him in His Word.  Gaze at Him in His creation.  Worship Him.  Thank Him--not thanking Him just for answering your prayers, but thanking Him for being your Abba, your Daddy.  Love Him and love His gifts and love the treasure of His people in your life. 
     Eugene Peterson says, "We stop, whether by choice or through circumstance, so that we can be alert and attentive and receptive to what God is doing in and for us, in and for others, on the way.  We wait for our souls to catch up with our bodies."  
     That's part of the unmitigated wonder of summer--a priceless opportunity for our souls to catch up with our bodies as we gaze upon the ocean waves and feel the warm sand between our toes...or as we stare slack jawed at the blueness of the valley below contrasted with the verdant green of the mountains around us...or maybe as we simply unplug from life's crazy busyness and savor the stillness or the sun or the summer book read.  
     "Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Mt.11:28-30)  
      Maybe when our souls catch up with our bodies, we remember that Jesus not only gives us rest, He is our rest.  In Him, our restless souls find deep satisfaction, true contentment, and fullness of joy.  Oh might we hand Him our burdens and enter His glorious rest this summer.  
     Thank You, Father, for rest.  Might we daily reflect upon You, rest in You, and then respond in obedience and love.  For it's in that resting that we can rise up singing.  
     To God be the glory.

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