Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Start where you are

         It's January 3rd...and I'm sick of winter.  If fact, I'm totally done with winter.  Could someone please inform winter?  Thank you very much.
        ...Hmm.  That strategy does not seem to be working.  It's still frigid outside...Mr. B still insists on being walked (in fact, he's downright giddy in this weather--a fact I do not appreciate in the least)...and my love for the beauty of God's glorious creation appears to be waning...or actually has dropped off a cliff and into a "pitt of despond." 
        Oh my, forgive me, Father.  Forgive Your often spoiled, ungrateful, grumpy little child. 
        And thank You thank You thank You that despite all that, I can still call You Abba, Father.  And I can still call myself Your child.  Might none of us ever take that unutterable privilege and joy for granted--to be so forgiven, so cherished, so empowered, so loved by the King of the universe and the almighty, majestic Lord of Lords.  Yet You call us Your beloved child.
          That's one of the things I love about the New Year--what a living picture of the fresh start we can enjoy with our Father everyday, every week, ever year.
           As Anne of Green Gables said, "Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with  no mistakes in it yet?" 
           What a magnificent sunrise (even if the temperature is cooooold).  A beautiful start to a new day. 

         "Sing to the Lord a new song." (Isa.42:10)  A new song of praise and thanksgiving to replace my dirge of complaining!
          "Behold, I am making all things new." (Rev.21:5)  A new year for new habits, new dreams, new hopes, new efforts, new starts.  It's never ever too late to start again, right?
          What new habits are you hoping to establish this year?  What new dreams, new projects do you hope to launch?  Maybe you're feeling like it's January 3rd, and you've already blown that new start, that new habit, that new whatever.  Well, start today.  Start anew.  Start now. 
           Shauna Niequist tells about a friend's new year’s resolution to "Start where you are." 
           How simple but how good is that?!  Start right now, right where you are...even though it's not the ideal time...even though it's not the perfect place...even though you're not completely ready...even though you don't "have it all together" (because, really, that day will never come!). 
           Nope, jettison perfect or prepared or ideal.  Simply "Start where you are." 
           Niequist writes, "Whatever thing seems too intimidating, whatever new skill seems too far off to develop, whatever project has been hanging over your head forever: start where you are.  Each of us has been created by a holy God with love on purpose and for a purpose. But so many of us feel afraid or unprepared. This is the secret though: no one is prepared enough.  No one is perfectly ready!  Let’s choose together to take one step forward today, whatever that means…The world is full of people who can talk your ear off about all the reasons they can’t possibly just begin that thing they’re longing to begin. 
           Let’s not be those people.  Let’s start where we are.”
           Amen.  Praise God He is the Lord of new beginnings, new songs, new starts, and new life. 
           To God be the glory. 

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