Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Finally, the list on killing complaining!

         At long last, here's John Piper's list of eleven ways to kill complaining (along with a bit of my commentary).

         1. Remember daily that my body is dying but my mind must--and can be!--renewed. (II Cor.4:16-18

         2. Take purposeful steps to keep my mind pure. (Mt.5:27-29)

         3. Make God the gladness of all my joys. (Ps.43:4)
                In what are we anchoring our thoughts? Are we thinking on an earthly level or heavenly one?  Oh, how I need this daily reminder to "set my mind on things above." Every time my mindset falls downward and starts fixating on things around me--or worse, on me, myself, and I--well, let's just say it ain't pretty! It's nothing but a negative attitudinal death spiral.

         4. See other Jesus followers as I will see them in heaven. (Lk 16:22-23)
              In other words, those all around us are glorious, eternal beings!  Every person we meet today is an God-crafted eternal being.  So stop judging them harshly or criticizing them or gossiping about them or fixating on their weaknesses.  Because guess what?  Each of us is a mass of weaknesses, foolishness, and inconsistencies! (Or at least, I sure am!)  Yet, Christ died for us--and for them--and He has clothed us with His righteousness and glory.  Maybe nobody can see it yet, but they will one day, praise God!

         5. Remember my spiritual health can be choked out. (Lk 8:14)
                How?  By wrong priorities, too much preoccupation with stuff, busyness, pride, etc.

         6. Ponder what God delights in.
                Think about the good, the pure, the lovely, the admirable, etc. (Phil.4:8)

         7. Be friends with spiritually-minded people. (Prov.13:20)
                "Bad company corrupts good character." (I Cor.15:33)  The reverse is also true.  We need spiritually-minded friends to encourage and strengthen us in the spiritual battle of life. Oh how thankful I am for my friends and family!  What a miracle that they put up with me! Might I be a source of godly encouragement and unconditional love to them.

         8. Ask God for spiritual satisfaction.  (Ps.90:14)
                 Goodness, this is so practical yet I'd never thought of it before!  Ask the Lord at the beginning of each day to be fully satisfied in Him. If I'm satisfied in Him, then I won't be searching for satisfaction in things like stuff or success or security or whatever!

          9. Remember, I've died with Christ and have crucified my flesh. (Gal.5:24)

         10. Accept God's appointed suffering as disciple to bring about a greater spiritual reality. (Heb.12:7-11)

         11. Realize that unbelievers are looking for authentic people.
                    Do you believe what you say you believe and is that reflected in how you handle disappointments, crises and the general problems of life?  Oh my, that's convicting!  One thing's for sure--I absolutely cannot do that in my own strength.  It must be a work of the Holy Spirit. Might we daily pray that His Spirit within us would equip and empower us to live out the Truth that we profess and believe.

         Hope that helps you kill--or if you're like me, at least seriously wound!--complaining in your life. Might we ask the Holy Spirit to help and empower us each day to clobber complaining and instead to be women and men fully satisfied in Him and overflowing with gratitude, joy, and love for both God and man.
          To God be the glory.

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