Thursday, April 7, 2011

Concern at the Cross

The third word: "When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, 'Woman, behold, your son!' Then He said to the disciple, 'Behold, our mother!' And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home." John 19:26-27
As a mother, I simply cannot begin to imagine what sorrow and suffering Mary endured as she watched her precious Son die an agonizing death. How many times as a mama have I wished that I could take the illness or the discouragement or the rejection that was afflicting one of my children. How much more excruciating for Mary to see her sinless Son who had never disobeyed or fussed, never been unkind, never lost His temper, never displayed an "attitude" and who always loved and helped and encouraged. Yet she stood there, quietly, painfully, faithfully watching and waiting as her Son, the Son of God, the Messiah, the Creator died.
And in the midst of His own physical and spiritual agony, the Lord Jesus is concerned for His beloved mother. Selfless and loving to the very end. What a mother and what a Son.

Beside our Lord on Calvary
Behold His mother near;
Her love so true, so strong, so pure
Hath conquered all her fear.

She dares the fury of His foes.
Endures the scoffer's scorn.
That she might share the Saviour's woes
And comfort Him forlorn.

O come, behold ye mothers all
Of every race and state!
Behold in her the pattern true
For you to emulate.

And come ye sons, behold the Christ,
The noblest son of earth!
In death's dark hour He looks in love
On her who gave Him birth.

Come Holy Spirit, breathe on us,
His love to each impart;
Regenerate the soul, create
His image in our heart.
Lord Jesus, thank You for not only saving us but for showing us a pattern of how to love and care about others even in the midst of the most horrific of circumstances ever endured by man. Might we, even in our busyness and preoccupation, our struggles and weaknesses, look to You and learn to love and demonstrate compassion and concern for all the people You have placed in our lives. We may be going through great difficulties, but as a scottish preacher shared many many years ago: "Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a battle." Some battles we can see, others may not be apparent but are perhaps even more challenging. Help us to get our focus off ourselves and what we are going through and what we are feeling and what we are lacking, and instead place our focus upon You and upon the people You've sent to us to love and encourage. Help us to daily, hourly to remember to gaze at the cross and be changed more and more into Your likeness. To You be the glory forever.

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