Wednesday, June 1, 2011

True Wisdom

I recently heard it said that wisdom does today what it will be happy about later on. Isn't that so true? My flesh, my fallible feelings, and my ever-evolving emotions all shout at me to take the short cut, take the easy way out, seek the short term pleasure over the long term reward. Whether it's giving in to a pity party or buying something I don't need or eating that piece of cake or passing on that piece of gossip or lashing out at someone in frustration, it's always the result of allowing our flesh to take over rather than surrendering to the control of the Holy Spirit and yielding to His will rather than our own.
Prov. 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." It's so easy to pass that one by, because it is so familiar. But if I fear God more than man, then I will seek to please Him rather than please and impress other people. If I fear God more than I fear missing out on some pleasure or some material possession I desire, then I will put those earthly things and desires in their proper perspective and seek Him first and foremost. But if I fear denying myself in any way rather than fearing my Lord, then I will forever be choosing that which makes me happy today rather than that which will make me happy and blessed in the future. How often have I sacrificed long term blessing and joy on the alter of immediate gratification!
Sadly, we can be the "fool" described in Proverbs when we, like Esau, choose a bowl of hot soup over the inestimable blessing of our heavenly Father. I used to read about Esau in Genesis and wonder how on earth could he possibly forfeit the amazing blessings of the first born son for a bowl of stew? And yet, isn't that what we do everyday when we forfeit eternal blessings God showers on the obedient, because we want the immediate gratification of meeting our needs our way in our timing. Do we trust God or not? Do we trust His timing or not? Do we fear Him or do we fear any other lesser thing? Do we want His wisdom or do we intend to be fools who despise His godly wisdom? Will we choose to do today that which will bring us happiness and blessing later on or will we simply give in to that which makes us feel better (temporarily) right now?
O Lord, make us strong! Help us to fix our eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross scorning it's shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Might we consider Him today, right at this moment, so that we will not grow weary and lose heart! (based on Heb. 12:2-3) Jesus could see past the cross to the glory ahead; so might we daily choose to deny ourselves in the present for the blessings of the future. We can't do that... but He can, and we can do all things through Him who strengthens us (Phil. 4:13) Choose wisdom. Choose to do today that which will bless tomorrow. To God be the glory.

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