Friday, May 2, 2014

Our idols...or God's fire in our hearts?

      From today's Daily Light: "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." (Col.3:2)  And "Keep yourselves from idols." (I John 5:21) And "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matt.6:21)
      Searching words, as those idols and heart-stealers creep into our lives so subtly and easily.  Even the good things can become idols in our lives, can't they?  And have you noticed that an idol never leaves us alone but quickly digs it's tentacles down deep into our hearts and habits.  A silly and superficial example--but first we simply enjoy that hot mug of tea...then we really want the tea...then we have to have that tea every single morning or we get grumpy, ungrateful, and even bitter.  Don't even talk to me about chocolate. Or all that stuff (aka clutter) that seems so difficult to part with.  Not to mention the idols of achievement, approval, accolades.
     Whatever it is--first we enjoy it, then we want it, then we insist on having it, and finally we find that we cannot say no to it.  We assume our happiness rides on the continuation of that habit or that idol in our lives.  And, of course, it's just the opposite, for anything that robs God of His rightful throne in our lives will steal our peace, destroy our joy, and rob our hope.
      Lord forgive us. Forgive us for the enslaving habits, the possessions, the pleasures, and even, sometimes, the people that we allow to capture our hearts and dethrone You.  We can only love our families and friends well if You have first place in our hearts.
     Tim Keller speaks to this powerfully--"If you are a Christian and you are dealing with enslaving habits, it's not enough to say, 'Bad Christian, stop it.'  And it is not enough to beat yourself up or merely try harder and harder and harder.  The real reason that you're having a problem with an enslaving habit is because you are not tasting God.  I'm not talking about believing God or even obeying God. I'm saying tasting--tasting God.  The secret to freedom from enslaving patterns of sin is worship.  You need worship.  You need great worship.  You need weeping worship. You need glorious worship.  You need to sense God's greatness and to be moved by it--moved to tears and moved to laughter--moved by who God is and what He has done for you. And this needs to be happening all the time.  This type of worship is the only thing that can replace that little if only fire burning in hour heart.  We need a new fire that says, 'If only I saw the Lord.  If only He was close to my heart.  If only I could feel Him to be as great as I know Him to be.  If only  I could taste His grace as sweet as I know it to be.  And when that if only fire is burning in your heart, then you are free."
     Yes, our hearts must be captured by the beauty, wonder, and glory of Him who is infinitely greater than our enslaving passions or habits or idols.  Not captured by all that stuff...or that success...or that self-made idol whatever it might be...but captured by the glorious, resurrected Savior.  Oh help us, Father.  Show us Your glory and in seeing You, might we be freed from all those pale, poor, and weak imitations.  Give us Your fire burning within our hearts.
       To God be the glory.

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