Friday, October 9, 2015

Not just a better place

           We have lost another oak of righteousness.  Well, we have not lost him for we know exactly where he is...he is simply lost to our sight temporarily.   But we rejoice for David Lewis...oh what gain for heaven!  This glorious place that we try to imagine, but cannot, grows ever more beautiful and inviting as we see dear friends and family depart our often troubled shores here for the eternal wonders of there.  And we have seen many dear ones depart recently.
            "These all died in faith not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.  For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland.  If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one.  Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared for them a city." (Heb.11:13-16)
            When we were at the beach a few weekends back, I'll never forget one early morning walk.  We had arrived the night before, so we hadn't seen the beach...but I hadn't been to the beach in a good, long while, so I was just thrilled to be at the beach, anywhere near the beach!
           I started out walking along the road, beach houses on each side.  And it was lovely, still a bit dark, and peaceful.  The smell of salt air was delicious, the warmth felt perfect, and I listened to some beautiful music and rejoiced in the gift of being there in this lovely place with dear friends.  I was having a wonderful time on that quiet little beach road.
           But then it occurred to me.  I hadn't even seen the ocean.  Maybe the beach was wide enough that I could walk by the seashore.  So I ventured over one of the public access points, crossed the dunes...
          ...and was overcome.  Undone, really.  The sight was so extraordinarily magnificent.
 There are simply no words for it.  Tears streamed down my face--stunned at the beauty before me.
              And this thought immediately came to mind: this is just the tiniest reflection of how much greater heaven is than earth.
             Yes, God crafted this gorgeous, amazing planet.  Oh my, what a wondrous Creator He is!  Just look around and be awed by the One who formed the smallest spider and the largest star.  But His creation is not limited to the majesty of the world around us.  No, look at the magnificent beauty of the people He's given us.  What a priceless gift to love and to be loved!  The treasure of dear friends, precious children, beloved husbands and wives, wonderful parents, brothers, and sisters.  If you want to see a miracle, look at the person standing next to you--whether in your home or the checkout line at Target.  Crafted and beloved by the Almighty.  Forgiven and redeemed by the Savior.  Yes, each one a miracle.   Think how much joy these people have brought to your life--the memories of shared laughter and love and tears, too.
               But it all pales in comparison to the endless, unimaginable  wonders of heaven.  I've heard it said so many times, "They have gone to a better place."  I bet I've said it myself.
              No, no, no!  They have not gone to a better place...they have gone to an infinitely more glorious, wondrous, awesome eternal Home.  A home full of people you treasure, places to explore, and most of all, a Savior to enjoy and worship and laugh with and adore forever and ever and ever.                  We can't imagine it.  We simply can't, for it is so beyond anything our minds and hearts can even begin to grasp while we are still earth-bound.
             Jonathan Edwards says, "To go to heaven fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here.  Fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, children, or the company of earthly friends, are but shadows.  But the enjoyment of God is the substance.  These are but scattered beams, but God is the sun. These are but streams, but God is the fountain. These are but drops, but God is the ocean."
                Amen, amen.  The nice, little ocean road was lovely...but the ocean itself was magnificently wonderful!   Heaven's not just's the best of the best of the best...multiplied by infinitely!
                 So to dear David and to so many others who have recently gone to glories unimaginable--we rejoice with you and for you.  And while we cry and weep and miss you, we know that you will be a far longer, greater part of our future than you were of our past.  Praise Jesus!  To God be the glory.


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