Saturday, October 31, 2015

Redeeming Halloween

        Our culture has become obsessed with Halloween.  The hosts on morning newscasts wish everyone a cheery, "Happy Halloween!"  The stores feature boundless displays of every conceivable kind of Halloween paraphernalia. In fact, last year, American consumers spent over 350 million dollars on costumes...for their pets!  But wait, there's  more: experts expect us to spend a staggering 6.9 billion dollars--yes billion--all together on Halloween decorations, costumes, and candy.  And we're spending only a paltry 2.1 billion on candy alone.
        Oh my stars--have we lost our minds?  350 million on pet costumes?  Really?  Not that Bingley wouldn't look sensational as Yoda, a Jurassic Park dinosaur, or maybe even a clown.    
        Now, don't get me wrong.  We have tons of happy memories of our children dressing up and then us following them door-to-door on Halloween night to gather enough candy to fuel every marathoner in the country for a year.  We love handing out candy and enjoying all the cute and creative costumes.  Though, I must say, we never excelled at the creative part--our youngest dressed up as Carolina football or basketball player too many times to count.  Sorry, I know that's totally lame, but boy, was it cheap!  So yes, we really enjoy Halloween and all the fun for all the kids...and of course, the chocolate.  More chocolate is always a good thing.
       But seriously, can you believe we're doling out that kind of massive cash on a one evening candy-fest that's, sadly, been often hijacked by the ridiculously creepy, gross, and even terrifying?  Do we really need to see masks dripping blood or zombies with decaying flesh?  Whatever happened to dressing up as a hobo--my personal and perennial favorite growing up--simply by raiding your daddy's closet for a battered hat, an old, tattered jacket and some charcoal for a mustache and beard?  We've come a long way, baby.    
       Ugh.  Okay, okay, I'll get down off my soap box, but can I at least point out that Halloween--way way way back in the day--got it's name from "All Hallow''s Eve?"  And All Hallow's Eve got it's name for the distinction of being the eve of All Saints' Day--a day when the Catholic church remembered and celebrated the faithful saints of bygone years.
      Then, of course, a little known German priest and professor named Martin Luther, chose that date--October 31, 1517--to nail his 95 theses on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.  His theses were a series of indictments against the rampant corruption in the church.  Luther's theses changed everything, as he was advocating a radical call for repentance, a return to God's Word, and a return to the critical belief and truth that our redemption comes through grace alone, in Christ alone.  Not through our endless striving and never-enough efforts, but by faith in Jesus' glorious, amazing grace. Praise God!
        So yeah, let's enjoy this day and evening of Halloween and eat plenty of candy...assuming it's chocolate, of course--all the rest is a total waste of time and calories in my completely unbiased opinion.  But far more importantly, let's redeem Halloween!  How?
       Well, first by remembering and thanking the Lord for the faithful men and women who've gone on before us.  And not just the big-deal saints, but all those we have known and loved who've impacted our lives for Christ: teachers, ministers, parents, friends.  And secondly, let's praise the Lord for His beautiful Word that guides us, His wonderful grace that saves us, and His glorious Son, Jesus, who is our glorious Redeemer, Savior and Friend.  Now that will make for a very, very happy Halloween indeed!  
         Thank You, Lord, thank You.  To God be the glory.

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