How's everybody doing? One day at a time, right? Count your blessings, right? We're all in this together (boy, that's never been truer!), right? "Wash your hands and say your prayers, because germs and Jesus are everywhere," right?
We've all been hearing the rather terrifying statistics--that daily upward juggernaut of illnesses and deaths--and despite our best efforts to "Stay calm and carry on"...with social distancing, of course, we all have those sudden, unexpected moments when fear or sadness or loneliness overwhelms us. So I thought I'd share a very simple morning practice that has really helped anchor me in the true Truth and kept my mind right and my heart on track. Maybe you don't need prompting or encouraging in this area, but can I say for the record that I need all the reminding and equipping I can get. Thus, here are a very easy, but I believe very helpful morning practices.
BEFORE PHONE OR ANY SOCIAL MEDIA, do these three things: first, read a few verses of Scripture or a devotion. It doesn't have to be a whole chapter of the Bible. God's Word is supernatural and every word is fresh and warm from His very breath. Even a verse or two can completely reorient our thinking and redeem our minds. In fact, I typically only read a few verses during this first thing in the early morning ritual. There's time later to read more substantially.
Secondly, write down several things for which you're thankful from the day before in a gratitude journal. This can be the simple, but wonderful daily graces that God showers on each of us if we will but notice. A soaring hawk...a phone call from a friend...a lovely violet Red Bud tree in your back yard...a taste of answer to a prayer. The point is to notice a few of those things each day and record them. You'll be surprised if you ask God to open your eyes and enable you to see all He's doing and giving you, what an extravagant, loving, Father you have.
Yes, I'm a broken record on this subject, but gratitude is a game-changer! We've all been given this "gift"--yes, in many ways it is a gift--of having to pause and cease from all our day to day rushing about and busyness. We're given the time to be still, to talk with those with love, to cook and enjoy leisurely dinners with family, to read those books we've kept saying we were going to read, to go outside in God's magnificent creation and walk and breathe deep. Rather than bemoaning all we've lost--which, I know is plenty--let's at least begin to focus on all we've gained...because there's a ton of gain too.
And third, pray, on your knees if you can. Again, this doesn't need to be a prayer that covers all the people of the world and every last problem that's facing you and those you love. The point is to connect with your Heavenly Father. To worship Him for who He is--to praise Him for being our Abba--our Daddy--and for being in control even when we cannot see it and for loving us in countless ways even when we can't always feel it. And then simply to ask your Heavenly Daddy to guide, help, and protect you and those you love and those on the front lines fighting this virus on our behalf...And well, you get the picture. Just share with Him whatever is on your heart and mind.
Can I also add that all this can take as little as 5 minutes? The point is not the length or the eloquence; the point is to do it. To put God first in your morning so that He can get your heart and mind right for the day's battles that are just ahead. And I'm telling you, it makes an enormous difference.
But again, the key is to do it before you look at your phone or computer or the paper or the TV. Go to God and His gloriously Good News before you get sucked in and pulled down by the world's grim news. All that news will still be there, believe me, but having your mind transformed by the good news will allow you to take in the grim news with a totally different attitude and perspective.
I've always loved Oswald Chambers words, "Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything. Unless in the first waking moment of the day you learn to fling the door wide back and let God in, you will work on a wrong level all day; but swing the door wide open and pray to your Father in secret, and every public thing will be stamped with the presence of God."
We all have the wondrous opportunity to have our actions and attitudes "stamped with the presence of God" each and every day. But it begins first thing in the morning. So how about it? Scripture, thankfulness, and prayer first thing in your morning. Let the Good News not the grim news be the first thing to imprint your day.
To God be the glory.
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