Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stop Wasting the Sirens

I was so convicted recently when I read an article by Jonathan Parnell entitled, "Don't Waste the Sound of Sirens." He noted that because we hear the sound of sirens so frequently, we typically just ignore them and go on about our daily activities. "But wait, that sound means something! It means that there is an emergency. Someone is in need, and that's not something to ignore. Sirens come into our day loaded with significance. Whether they are heard faintly in the distance or close enough to disturb our ears, they come into our day as an invitation to get out of our bubble of self and remember that there are 6.8 billion people in the world. They invite us to remember that the world is in need and that opportunities are emerging everywhere for God to glorify His name and make His goodness known. Next time there is the sound of a siren, we don't want to waste it. Would you consider a simple prayer for the person in need? Would you pray for the driver and team who are rushing to help? Would you pray that Jesus be embraced and that God be glorified, somehow at some point? And would you pray that the day be hastened when the sound of sirens will be no more?"
Amen! How often I have simply tuned out that sound. But it should always remind us that somewhere, somehow, someone is hurting or in danger or in desperate need of God's miraculous intervention. We need to break out of our selfish little bubbles and pray! There is a hurting, lost world out there, and we need to stop worrying about the tiny inconveniences in our lives that all too often steal our joy and peace and start praying. Lord forgive me for my shallowness and selfishness and help me to pray to the One who has all power and can transform and bring good and glory out of even the worst of circumstances.
I've just learned of a "siren" for a friend of one of my sons. He was in a diving accident and is in surgery right now. Suddenly all the little piddily things I was concerned with, all the things on my to do list seem utterly ridiculous, for our friend Chase needs the miraculous, the omnipotent healing touch of our Redeemer and Sustainer. So Lord I lift him up to You right now and pray earnestly on his behalf.
And for every siren sounding on this day, we trust that You know. And You can do immeasurably more than all we can even think to ask or imagine. So we pray for Your presence, Your healing, Your peace, Your wisdom, Your miraculous intervention, Your strength and all to Your glory.

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