Thursday, January 5, 2012


The other day, several of our children and my husband, Richard, and I went to get passports. I actually have a passport... but it expired a mere 33 years ago! Good grief, I am old as dirt. My husband kindly pointed out that middle age is typically considered up until the age of 39--meaning we are no longer middle age but now in the old age category. Fortunately I googled this horrifying misinformation and was able to correct him. Happily, we are still firmly in the middle age category, with a few years to spare. Whew, what a relief. Who ever thought one could be happy to be considered middle aged.
But getting back to the passport, the photograph, o my stars, my photograph clearly fell into the might-terrify-young-children classification. When I glimpsed with horror the ancient face peering back at me from the photo, I was stunned. "Please tell me I don't look like this!" I told my family. "O no, you don't look like that at all," was the kind but completely untrue answer. Right, sure. I just had my picture taken for this passport the day before yesterday at the UPS store, but I'm sure it doesn't actually reflect my youthful good looks. Wonder what was wrong with that camera? Funny how the children's photographs looked great and seemed like a mighty accurate reflection.
The problem is, that is exactly how I look! And that is OLD. But the bottom line: I'm just thankful to still be here, to still be able to love and laugh and share and move. "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving an eternal weight of glory that far exceeds them all." 2Cor.4:16-17 How thankful I am that what you see on the outside is not what really matters. That even as my outer man wastes away, shrivels up (or expands as the case may be), wrinkles, goes gray... my inner man is growing and and being renewed and redeemed every single day. And all the struggles and stains and disappointments and sorrows of this life will be seen as helping us achieve "an eternal weight of glory that far exceeds" anything we've had to endure.
So even with the approach of old age, how thankful I am to serve a God who redeems and restores and renews and makes all things new. I'm tired. I'm forgetful. I'm wrinkled. But I'm His girl. And He is mine. And I trust that He is building and renewing in a deeper and eternal way. To God, the Restorer and Renewer, be the glory.

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