Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Facebook Friend

Well, my head is spinning: my daughter just set up a facebook account for me (mainly just wanted to keep up with my children and a few friends). I have never in my life! The next thing I knew, I was deluged with emails, and I have absolutely no idea what I am doing! And I must say, I agree with Betty White--it does seem like a colossal waste of time! I want to send out a blanket message to folks to please don't be offended if I don't respond since it is probably due to my ignorance! Whew! I finally learned how to do email and now another whole new incomprehensible world!
This all reminds me of a story I heard about a pastor named Ben Patterson. Many years ago he was ordered by his doctor to spend 6 months on bed rest because of a ruptured disk. He said he felt helpless and terrified. How could he take care of his church and his family? Out of sheer desperation, he decided that since he could nothing else, he would pray. Everyday he would go through the church directory and pray for every single member of his congregation. It took well over 2 hours. At first it was a struggle, but as time went on, Patterson said the prayer times grew sweeter and sweeter.
As Ben neared the end of his time of enforced bed rest, he told the Lord how much he had enjoyed these prolonged times of prayer. He would miss these wonderful long sessions alone with the Lord now that he no longer would have the time as he resumed his busy ministry and life. But God gently replied, "Ben, you have just as much time when you are well as when you are sick in bed. The trouble with you is that when you are well, you think you are in charge. When you are sick, you know you're not."
Ouch. How often does that reflect our attitude--to0 busy for prayer, too preoccupied, too rushed, too important and irreplaceable with all our activities that we cannot get alone with our Heavenly Father to read His Word, "warm from the mouth of God" (in the words of Beth Moore). O Lord forgive me for thinking I am in charge and in control and then hurriedly living each day like my hair is on fire! Help me to pray like my life depends on it--because it does. Help me to delve into and eat Your Word like a starving woman desperate for sustenance--because I am. Help me to trust. Help me to love. Help me to serve. Help me to live to reflect Your glory. If I have time for facebook then I surely cannot claim I do not have time to worship and pray and seek the Creator of the universe! He is one Friend who will never ever "ignore" us! He is "the friend who sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24) To Him be the glory

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