Saturday, March 3, 2012

Start Small... but Start Now!

"Start small... but start now."
I heard this the other day. It was attributed to the Puritans, however, with my crummy memory, this may not quite be what the Puritans said... but close enough! Doesn't this just sound like those faithful Puritans, though--simple, yet profoundly true. How often do we think we have to do something perfectly before we can begin? If we can't do something completely or throughly or successfully or in a big, impressive way, then what's the point, we think. If I can't clean out all the clutter by the day after tomorrow, then forget about it. It's hopeless. If I can't have a quiet time every single morning without fail, then I might as well give up. I'm just a failure. If I can't do devotions with my children daily for which they rise up and call me blessed for my wise wonderful insights, then, O well, another fiasco. If our marriages aren't perfection and bliss, if our children aren't stellar superstars in school and behavior and godliness, then we feel like failures and what's the point in even trying. If our work seems to be going nowhere fast or achieving our heart's desire, then maybe it's time to just call it a day, we despair.
But you know what?--that is the enemy talking! Of course, none of us is perfect... never ever will be this side of heaven. Of course, we will fall and faint and falter all along the way of this walking with God. He knows that. And He loves us to pieces anyway! He sent His Son to prove it and to ensure that no matter how many times we fail, now matter how badly we fall, grace and forgiveness and redemption and hope are always always always just a prayer away.
Aren't you thankful we serve a God of second... and third.. and fourth chances? Aren't you thankful that failures are never final as long as we go to our Heavenly Father, our Abba, and ask Him to forgive us and dust us off and enable us to start again?
We might need to "start small" but, boy, we just need to "start now!" Ask Him now to forgive you! Ask Him now to equip you to be a better wife or a better daughter or a better friend. Ask Him now to enable you to start having that quiet time each morning (and start small--even if it's just 5 minutes--He will bless that! He is the God of multiplication and magnification!). Ask Him to help you start now forgiving that person who has hurt you or start cleaning out that material or spiritual or emotional clutter in your life. Ask Him to empower you to start now on that task you dread or push aside that procrastination that is holding you back from doing whatever it is that He has called you to do. Ask Him to help you do devotions today with your children--and even if they are yawning and rolling their eyes, just keep on keeping on, knowing God can work even with our smallest, weakest efforts. After all, it's not about us--it's all about Him. His power. His faithfulness. His wisdom. His glory.
So, whatever it is that has you down and discouraged today--start small, but start now! And watch Him take your little, your insignificant, your faltering and fitful effort, and use it and bless it in ways you may never know. To God be the glory.

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