Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Tuesday of Gifts

The harvest moon early this morning greeted me with a gentle, shining reminder of the glory and greatness of our God. Tremendous and perched just above the horizon, it seemed near enough to reach out and grab, yet high enough to inspire awesome wonder at it's Sovereign Creator. A gift.
Walking in the peaceful predawn hours with a couple of friends, the cold, clear air invigorates... as does the gift of fellowship and laughter. More gifts.
And then an impossibly hard exercise class with waaaaaay too many pushups, but with the joy of moving your body and feeling the strength of dormant muscles and more laughter with fellow strugglers. More gifts.
A sweet old black lab to greet me at the door--so happy to see me, as if I had been gone on a long trip and had just returned to a hero's welcome. And if I make him wait a few minutes before taking him outside or fetch his breakfast, well, that is okay with him, because he loves so faithfully and loyally and unconditionally. Boy, there is just nothing like a dog! Gift.
Laughing with my opinionated, wise, sometimes exasperating (because it's marriage involving two sinners!)--but always wonderful--husband. How on earth has he put up with selfish me all these years? Gift!
Hot hot shower when I am chilled to the bone. As I let the water run down steaming and clean, I paused to thank God for such an extravagance. Hot water, clean water, in abundance. We are all just one hurricane or ice storm away from really appreciating what a blessing that is. Gift.
Bible study. Opening God's very words, still warm from His breath, alive and ever new and applicable and life-changing and life-affirming. Guiding, teaching, convicting, encouraging. A love letter from the Sovereign Rock of Ages. GIFT!
And to study the Word with dear women of all ages. All of us seeking to know Him better and walk with Him closer and reflect His Light better. All of them gifts.
Lunch. What can I say?--how incredible to have such an abundance of food and to have an appetite and to eat... and eat... and eat! And, there is, naturally, always chocolate. How often do we take for granted the blessing of food for our families and nourishment for our bodies and enjoyment for our senses? Gift upon gift.
Carpools and rushing around and sometimes I lose perspective and my joy starts to leak out. But He gently reminds me: "This is for the greatest of your treasures." He gave His all, His perfect Son, for me. What could be too much for me to give? O, the privilege of serving and loving them for the short time God has placed them in my life. Surely He could have found a far far far better, more capable, more qualified, more deserving mother for these 5 gifts of ours. But, somehow, impossibly, incredibly, He chose me. Who could ever get over the wonder of that? Sometimes I forget, and I allow my greatest blessings to become my burdens. Forgive me Lord. They are priceless, beautiful treasures from Your extravagant, sovereign hands, and I thank You, thank You thank You. 5 precious Gifts.
And friends texting and emailing and calling and laughing in carpool lines. O what blessings they are! And unlike my family who is stuck with me whether they like it or not, my dear friends choose to love me and put up with me, weaknesses and warts and all. Gift upon Gift upon Gift upon Gift!
So now I sit and marvel at the ceaseless gifts my Lord showers upon me, upon each of us, on just a perfectly ordinary, yet actually extraordinary, day. Just a regular old tuesday. But a tuesday of gifts and more gifts and more gifts straight from His hands. His grace-pierced hands. His loving, laughing hands. His extravagant hands that bless and bless... even upon His often clueless, undeserving children. Might He open our eyes so that we might see--really see--the evidence of His boundless love and infinite grace and divine extravagance showered upon each of us. Every single day. The countless gifts from the gracious Gift-Giver who is Himself, THE Gift. To our Savior, our Gift, be all the glory.

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