Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Messy, marvelous ministry!

     A few of the boys playing basketball before Young Life Campaigners began last night.  The girls were inside talking... and eating Congo Squares--sounds like a good plan to me.
     Last night we hosted the last Young Life Campaigners meeting of the year at our house.  For those of you unfamiliar with this wonderful ministry, Young Life typically meets twice a week at high schoolers' homes.  "Club" (a big, fun, large group get-together to introduce kids to the Savior) moves around and meets at different homes during the year.  Campaigners (a bit smaller--a more in-depth Bible study) usually meets at the home of one of the seniors for the whole year.
     Anyway, the first semester another family hosted for us (thank you to the terrific Tylers!!) since Janie was still in the hospital and then recovering.  But we've had the privilege since Christmas to have the kids meet at our house on monday nights.  Our neighbors deserve sainthood as Campaigners always means tons of cars parked all over the place, loud teenagers, horns, laughter, busyness...  Our street has been a zoo on mondays.
     And so has our house.  Here are just a few of the shoes lined up in the hall during the meeting--
     If you could see a wider shot, you'd see cups of tea from Bojangles, wrappers from Moes, large cokes from Burger Fi and on and on.  It's pretty much a mess on mondays.  Lots of time trying to clean up, lots of effort trying to get the house ready and then open everything up for the kids who break into small groups after the big group sings.  These groups meet literally all over the house. My husband and youngest son and I usually end up back in our bedroom trying to stay out of their way so they can share their hearts and discover the One who loves them beyond all reason and longs to have a relationship with every single one of them.
     The point is--ministry is messy.  And time-consuming.  And often inconvenient.
     But boy, serving the Lord in any capacity gives so infinitely much more than it ever takes.  We simply can never out-give our extravagantly generous God.  All we do is provide the house.  The Young Life leaders are the heroes who provide the love and leading and time and listening ears.  They are amazing--these leaders have just as much to do as the rest of us, but they have chosen to pour their lives into the lives of high schoolers... who, incidentally are not always the easiest folks in the world to love!  I'm betting it's a bit like being a parent--toughest job you'll ever LOVE!
     (Below is just a tiny glimpse of the big group--there are way more kids crammed into the basement, but I couldn't begin to get all the various angles and other parts of the room in the picture.  But just a taste--and imagine the sound of teenagers making a joyful noise to the Lord!   It's a heavenly sound!)  
     So yes, mondays are a mess around here... but a beautiful, glorious, mess.  And I will really really miss the noise and inconvenience and honking cars and raucous laughter and loud voices that often extend far past our 5th grader's bedtime.  (And he'll miss the basketball!)
     Lord, forgive us when we get so wrapped up in our own agendas, our own comforts, our own material possessions that we fail to embrace and love You in the guise of a messy teenager... or a cranky preschooler... or a frustrated friend... or a tired store clerk.  You give us opportunities to splash Your living water all over those around us, but all too often we're too busy or too preoccupied or simply too selfish to love as You loved and serve as You served.
     Thank You for shoes in the hall... and cups on the table...  and honking cars in the driveway... and the inestimable privilege of having a small part in sharing the greatest news the world has ever or will ever know.  Forgive us when we forget.
     And remind us: You are always working and moving--wherever we are, You are there, ready to use us and work through us.  Wherever You've placed us, Father,  help us to be all there... for You.  Splashing Your life-giving water with joy and gratitude.  To God be the glory.

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