Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas isn't quite over yet!

          Okay, so maybe you're packing up Christmas just like we are (hmmm, let me correct that to: "just like I am"--as so far yours truly is the only one who's been dealing with this dreaded task...not that I'm irritated or anything.  Oh noooooo).
         Can we all just agree that this is the not the most fun job in the world?  I'm not saying it's terrible or anything.  In some ways, it's a bit freeing to clean up the clutter, wipe down tables, and rediscover all those pictures you shoved into drawers to make room for nativity sets and nutcrackers.  But goodness, it's still always sad to pack Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus away for a whole year and to say goodbye to the twinkling lights and evergreen smells of Christmas.  Oh how I looooove Christmas!          
        But sometimes you just have to give yourself a little pep talk and tackle that task you most dread and simply begin.  Take the first step and get going.  And, of course, the doing of that hard thing is never, ever even a smidgen as difficult as you imagined before you began (and that's a good reminder for all of life).
       So, after a bit of moaning and groaning before diving in, here we are with the last few boxes waiting to be hauled upstairs.  I think I can here the Elf on the Shelf happily snoring away in one of those boxes--after all, he's been on duty and at full alert for a good month.  Only our tree remains standing to sing silent testimony to the wondrous celebration of Jesus' birthday--
        But before we close up the Christmas shop, let's don't forget the wise men.  This is, after all, the season of Epiphany, because, people, Christmas is not over until January 5th! We tend to forget this and ignore Epiphany in our mad rush to move on the next thing...partly because we've been seeing evidence of Christmas in Target and the shopping malls since about July 4th.  But it's still Christmas.  The wisemen are still journeying and following that star.  And we are still remembering and celebrating the greatest Gift ever given.
        Today, I've been thinking about--and thankful for--those persevering wisemen and their long, arduous journey to find the King...all so they could worship Him.  We know these were men of tremendous learning and wisdom.  And commentators tell us that they came from a great distance away, and their journey took the better part of a year. All our beautiful manger scenes with the wisemen joining the shepherds and angels to worship and adore the baby Jesus in the manger?  Well, I love 'em...but those wisemen probably  missed the stable, the sheep, and the shepherds by a good year or so.
        But that only makes their story better.  Why?  Because look at the gigantic effort, the huge time commitment, the enormous financial stake they made in traveling all those many miles to find and worship this King of Kings.  Think of the inconvenience of putting their lives on hold for a year or two while they traveled to who-knows-where to follow the star and find the Savior.  I wonder if their friends, family or acquaintances thought they were crazy to take this risk (after all, the "roads" in those days were dangerous places) and to simply up and leave everything in their based upon some bright shining star and their research.  What if they were wrong?  What if they couldn't find Him?  What if something happened to them along the way?  What if....?
        Yet despite all the inconveniences, the doubts, the questions, the difficulties, the sacrifices...they determinedly followed that star and journeyed to find the King of Kings so they could worship and adore Him.
       What about us?  We're on the cusp of a new year.  What sacrifices will we make to spend time every day loving and worshipping the Lord of Lords?  What's my excuse for failing to seek Him daily?  What's preventing us from daily thanking and worshipping Him?  The wise men traveled hundreds and hundreds of miles...are we not willing to get out of bed earlier and spend time with the One who made us, loves us, and died to save us?
        "When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.  And going into the house they saw the child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him.  Then, opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh." (Mt.2:10-11)
        Wise men--and women--still seek Him.  Might we, like the wise men, daily worship and adore our King.  In Him we will find our heart's treasure and joy.  To God be the glory.

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