Tuesday, May 17, 2016

From the rising to the setting

        "From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised." (Ps.113:3)
        Oh my, what a magnificent creation...what a infinitely more magnificent and glorious Creator.  How can we possibly look around us at His handiwork--in the earth, the heavens, the people, the animals--and not give Him awe-filled praise?
        Paul David Tripp writes that the Lord "purposefully created the physical world in such a way that it points to His existence and His character.  God is the environment in which we live.  I like to think of it this way: you can't get up in the morning without bumping into God...The radical truth of the existence of God isn't just preached to us on Sunday; it's preached every day through the beauty of the sunset, the power of the storm, the inexhaustible wings of the hummingbird, the hugeness of the mountain, the whisper of the breeze, the smell of the sizzling steak, the beauty of the petal of a rose, and so on."  Amen, amen, amen!
       Just the other night I snapped this little photo while sitting outside eating dinner with my husband and several of our children.  Glory was happening all around us--glory in the priceless treasure of our children (and getting to spend precious minutes with them!  Thank You, Father!).  Glory in the gift of hunger and the taste of delicious food (that someone else prepared and cleaned up. Thank You, Father!).  Glory in the power and beauty of a sunset (and they happen every single evening!  We get to witness this wonderful show, this painting in motion, not just once in a lifetime, but daily! Thank You, Father, for Your relentless faithfulness!)  Glory in the experiencing of these moments of joy--these feelings of wonder, awe, and love--all on a regular, old Saturday evening.
       So today, praise Him who caused the sun to rise once again this morning.  Who sends the rain today to water the flowers, trees, and grass.  Who equips you to read these words and do your work and love your family and friends.  Who enables you to experience feelings and emotions of joy, sorrow, wonder, happiness, disappointment, contentment, and gratitude.  And who will faithfully cause the sun to set again this evening and will never, ever--not even for a nano second--leave you nor forsake you this day...or tonight...or any other day or night out into eternity.  No matter what the future may hold, He holds it and He holds us.  Just as He holds the sun and stars and distant galaxies.  Thank You, Father, thank You!
        Yes, Lord, "From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets," we praise, honor, and worship Your glorious name.  To God be the glory.

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