Friday, July 29, 2016

Why memorize?

         Once again, I'm trying to get back on the wagon of memorizing Scripture.  Sigh.
         To say this is a challenge for me would be, well, a ginormous understatement since I have the memory of a gnat.  (Though this might be an unfair comparison for the gnat.)  I struggle to recall names, places, movies, events, you name it.  I can, however, remember advertising jingles from decades ago ("You can trust your car to the man who wears the star...the big bright Texaco star!"  Geez).  I'm can also sing the lyrics to nearly every song from nearly every musical dating from my childhood..which probably puts them in either the Triassic period or the Jurassic period.
         But I can't remember the punch line of jokes, the names of dear friends, or what I did last week.  My only consolation is that many of my friends are in the same boat, and I figure we can't all have Alzheimers.  (I hope.)  Another advantage to having a crummy memory: I will laugh at your jokes and enjoy hearing your stories even if I've supposedly heard them multiple times before...because it's all new to me!
          I digress...something new and different.  Heres my point--I'm trying to get back on track when it comes to hiding God's Word in my heart.  Oh my, so many blessings to this kind of memorizing, such as: always having His Word with you so you're armored up for moments of crisis.  And having His Word continually percolating in your heart and mind so you can meditate on it both consciously and subconsciously.  And having His Word readily available to help a friend in need at a moment's notice.  And having His Word constantly empowering and equipping you from within.  I could go on and on.
          In the next day or so, I'm going to talk about what passage I'm memorizing (and it's pitiful--I'm starting with something nearly everyone knows so I can begin with some positive reinforcement and feel good about my paltry memorizing skills!).  But today, just for a little inspiration--in case anybody else out there wants to join me--here are Jon Bloom's ten reasons you should memorize chunks (and he says even Books!  Holy cow!) of the Bible:
1) Because you have a bad memory.  Yes sir, I've got this one totally nailed.  But his point is that's the very reason why we need to memorize.  I could actually stop here...but I won't.
2) Because you need to feed your mind.  Philippians 4:8 all the way!  We've got to be feeding our minds with the Truth and with what's pure, lovely, honorable, excellent and worthy of praise...rather than the often toxic, brain-deadening brew of reality TV, the "news," twitter, and the like.
3) Because the Bible is too accessible to you.  We have it we tend to ignore it or take it for granted.
4) Because you have the internet.  As Bloom puts it, we're becoming "information scanners" rather than true readers.  This causes us to be impatient and even unable to read deeply and reflectively.
5) Because you don't know the Bible as well as you think you do.  Enough said...true for everyone of us.
6) Because God's Word will become more precious to you.  As Bloom puts it, "The things we invest most in become most precious to us." I'm reminded of "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Mt.6:21)
7) Because you will see more of God's glory.  Oh how I want this!  God reveals Himself through His glorious creation, but He will see Him revealed most clearly through His Word.  The more we gaze into His Word, the more we'll see, know, and love Him and the more He will awe and astound us.
8) Because it will fine-tune your hooey gauge.  Love this--because the world, our selfish, sinful hearts, and the evil one lie to us constantly.  We've got to be able to spot and root out those lies.
9) Because you're going to suffer.  I don't like this one...but it's true.  I will never, ever forget those hours and days after Janie's accident.  Because I'd been immersed in the gospel of John preparing for Bible study in the fall, His Word comforted, encouraged, and strengthened me continually in that ICU.  Even in the darkness of her room in the wee hours of the night, I felt as if I was right there walking with Jesus through the pages of John.
10) Because your brothers and sisters are going to suffer.  Again, Bloom's words: "Memorizing large portions [of God's Word] not only serves you, but also is a way of loving others by being able to provide them with faith-sustaining truth when it's most needed."   Yes, Lord, yes--make us fountains of Your life-giving Word to help, encourage, and love others!
        Okay, enough said.  Time to stop wishing for it or talking about it or hoping for it...time to DO it!  One day at a time.  One verse at a time.  "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." (Joshua 1:8)  That's good enough for me.
       To God be the glory.

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