Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Brave Little Boy

"On the 7th day of Christmas, my true love sent to me 7 swans a-swimming." More birds. But I love birds, so I say, keep 'em coming! These 7 beautiful, graceful birds represent the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit: prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, leading, and compassion. (contrary to my husband's assertion about his own gift--"strong opinions" are not actually a gift!).
I thank the Lord for giving us all gifts--and we do all have at least one of these gifts. What a reminder, however, that we are called simply to use to His glory whatever gift He has given us and NOT compare or complain that we don't have some different gift. We are so prone to grumble about what we don't have rather than be grateful for what we do have... and then act upon our gratitude by using that gift for our gracious God. So thank You Lord for all Your many gifts. Might we use them one and all to the glory of our Lord.

On an only tangentially related note, how I thank the Lord for the gift of music! My daughter just gave me a CD by a singer named Andrew Peterson, and he has a Christmas song that I just love called "Gather Round, Ye Children:"

Gather round, ye children, come
Listen to the old, old story
Of the power of death undone
By an infant born of glory
Son of God, son of man
Gather round, remember now
How creation held it's breath
How it let out a sigh
And it filled up the sky with angels
Son of God, son of man.

So sing out with joy for the brave little Boy
Who was God, but He made Himself nothing
Well, He gave up His pride and He came here to die
Like a man
Therefore God exalted Him
To the place of highest praises
And He gave Him a name above every name.

O might we sing out with joy this Christmas--and every day of our lives--for the "brave little Boy who was God but made Himself nothing" and "came here to die" so that we might live forever with Him. Isn't that our source of joy at the coming of Jesus? He came, not as a King or mighty conquerer or an intimidating Potentate but as a "little boy," as a tiny, vulnerable infant. Just incredible--God Almighty as a newborn. And He came not to dominate or destroy or defeat mankind but to die. To die that we might live. To die in order to dominate and destroy and defeat the powers of satan and sin and death.
Today, praise the One who came--praise our God who made Himself nothing in order to give us much. Join with the angels to adore Him. To the Brave Little Boy, the Almighty God, the Savior, be all the glory.

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