Monday, December 26, 2011

Piping with the Pipers

"On the 11th day of Christmas, my true love sent to me 11 pipers piping." The question is, would we even be able to hear them above the constant din at our house around Christmas? Probably not, but I love music, so I say bring 'em on. I've always wanted my children to play a musical instrument and have failed miserably in this department, so maybe the pipers would rub off on them. Here's hoping anyway.
In the song, the 11 pipers symbolized Jesus' 11 faithful disciples, who courageously shared the Gospel with the world. 10 of the 11 gave their lives as martyrs. And the 11th, John, lived for many years in exile on the island of Patmos. I often think of these 11 and the transformation in each of them after the death and resurrection of Jesus (and the coming of the Holy Spirit). Doubting Thomas became devoted Thomas who remained faithful and fruitful to His Lord until His martyrdom. The mercurial Peter who denied His Lord right before His crucifixion became "The Rock" who testified boldly and consistently and powerfully until he was crucified upside down (because he said he was not worthy to be crucified in the same way as His Savior) All 11 were changed dramatically changed.
What an eternal difference these 11 men and their faithful witness have made for all of us! Thank the Lord for each of them--all so different and yet all so vital to the spreading of the Gospel. And what a reminder that God calls and uses all types of people, each with their unique gifts and weaknesses, to further His kingdom. None of us are perfect (boy, that's an understatement). None of our children are perfect. Yet even with our failings and inconsistencies, God calls us to look to Him by faith and trust that He can transform and redeem us and use us for His glory. He is not finished with us or our children or our loved ones yet.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which clings so closely, and let us run with confidence the race that is set before us." Heb.12:1 I'm convinced that the 11 disciples are among that cloud of witnesses, cheering us on. They ran their race with faithfulness and endurance. Now it is our turn. Might we, too, prove faithful and courageous and bold in running our race on this earth all the way to the finish line. And that finish line is just up ahead. It's not far now, so keep running, keep piping along with those trustworthy pipers! To God be the glory.

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