Saturday, August 4, 2012

Christ plus...

     Our daughter, Janie, just returned yesterday afternoon from a two week mission trip to Kenya.  As she shared, "It was the best thing I've ever done in my life.  I loved it!  I never wanted to leave!"  She said the land itself was beautiful beyond anything she's ever seen, and she loved every single person on her mission team. She really didn't know any of them before she left, but over the course of a couple of weeks, this group grew so precious to her, so close to her heart.  There's nothing like serving Christ together to draw you together into a bond deeper than anything this world can begin to understand.            
     Most of all, she adored the people of Kenya.  Such joy, such kindness, such openness, such love for and in the Lord.... in the midst of absolutely nothing materially.  Her brand new shoes were stolen the first night she was there.  She didn't care.  She told me she was thankful that someone surely now had them who needed them infinitely more than she did.  This is my teenaged daughter, mind you.  I wondered if someone had kidnapped her and replaced her with an identical twin.  The faces in the picture say it all: pure, unadulterated joy.  No cell phones, no TV, no Facebook, no "hanging out with friends," no shopping malls, no Starbucks, no Moe's or Panera's, no newest or latest or greatest of anything.... save the love and joy and peace of Christ.
     I had to ask myself: what do I think I need in addition to my Savior?  Is it Christ plus anything?  Christ plus a new outfit?  Christ plus my children's success at school or on the golf course or any other endeavor this world applauds?  Christ plus good health?  Christ plus economic security?  Christ plus healing a sick loved one?  Christ plus an organized, de-cluttered home?  Christ plus some time off, a little "break?"  Christ plus any kind of accolades or appreciation for my efforts?  Christ plus dessert or a weekend away... or, well, you fill in the blank.
     Because Christ is either Lord of our lives and the source of our lives... or something else is.  I'm learning it cannot be Christ plus anything.  Sure all those other "anythings" are glorious gifts from His hand, and we thank Him and rejoice in His goodness to us.  We are to thankful beyond measure for every gift.
     But far and above, we are to thankful for the Gift-giver.  We are to look at all those other "plus" things as gifts from our Giver.  To be received with open, grateful hands, but not to be sought after greedily.  Not to be worried over.  Not to be resented when they do not come or do not remain.
     I see the joy in our daughter's face as she served Christ and His people, and I see that Christ is truly all we need.  He is our source of joy and hope and peace and contentment and security and fulfillment.  All the other is just window-dressing.  Nice, enjoyable, to-be-gratefully-received-and-enjoyed window-dressing, but not the real deal.  Not the glorious, wonderful, perfect, joyous, all in all Redeemer, Sustainer, Savior, Lord of our lives.  If we have Christ, we have all.
     Father, forgive me for so easily forgetting.  For getting caught up in all that I think I need when all I really need and want and love is You.  Thank You, thank You, thank You for all your glorious gifts.  Our precious children, this beautiful world, our dear friends, the blessings of home and work, the joys of living and loving and learning each day of all You have for us and all You do for us.  But most of all, help us to rejoice in You, to love You with all our hearts and souls and minds.  Help us to remember that it is You and You alone who sustain us and redeem us and restore our broken places.  Jesus, it is You plus nothing that we truly need. To God, our Gift-giver and our wonderful Savior, be all the glory.


  1. What an incredible experience for that beautiful Janie! It's hard to believe I had her in three year old preschool. And look at her now...well done Mama Fountain! And Praise God!!

    1. Amen, Lynn! Thank you for hanging in there with her all those years ago! It's ALL by His grace! And boy, we need the same limitless supply today that we needed then! love, em
