Sunday, August 12, 2012

Supernatural Signature

     Well, we arrived back home to the heat and the busyness and the laundry and the back to school emails and the disorganized house and the stacks of mail... and I think all the noise and mess and urgent urgent urgent needs caused me to forget.  Forget the glory of God on full display at our old log cabin nestled beneath the peaceful gaze of Mt. Mitchell.  Caused me to forget the joy of laughing and sharing and fishing and eating with my irreplaceable brothers and sisters and husband and children and nephews and nieces.  Caused me to forget the peace of crystalline pools of water or dense groves of rhododendron and birch and poplar and beech trees.
     Caused me to forget the power and the wonder of furiously rushing waters, tumbling waterfalls, spilling gallons and gallons of pure water every second, day and night.  Caused me to forget that all that water reflected the real  Living Water--ever flowing, ever filling, ever refreshing, ever satisfying.  His Living Water, like the splashing, swirling, ever-flowing Cane River: always more than enough, always powerful beyond our comprehension, yet also always peaceful and pure and perfect.
       Forgive me Father, that it takes so little to throw me off kilter, weighted with frustration and worry over all I have to do.  Forgive me for forgetting Your glory.  I once heard God's glory described as His "supernatural signature."  When we witness the overwhelming beauty of the ocean or the mountains or the stars, it's His supernatural signature.  His signature that shouts, "God is real!  God is real!  God is powerful!  God is good!  Look and see His glory reflected in His creation!"
     "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaim His handiwork.  Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge." (Ps.19:1-2)
     Yesterday evening, our last hurrah before returning home the next morning, we had been out fishing and hiking all day.  Despite the beauty all around us, we were whipped!  Supper was calling and sore muscles from several days of multiple falls on slippery rocks, long hikes in soggy boots, coupled with old age, had conspired to cause us to be ready to start hiking back down the rocky, dirt road.. or at least for my husband and me!  But we were with two of our children who really wanted to hike just a little higher up so they could see up close the huge "Upper Blue Sea" waterfalls.  My husband and I figured we could see it from where we were, and we feared they were so  tired that any more climbing and slipping and crawling up the huge boulders would result in some terrible fall or a broken bone.  Nope, we insisted, we need to head on back down now.  The view from down below was still great, we insisted (that's it in the picture above--you can just see the big waterfall in the far background between the trees), and it was infinitely safer.  They were crushed, but started back down with us.
     But sometimes, thankfully, God speaks in that still small voice, and even more thankfully, sometimes we listen and heed His good word.
     As we started hiking back down, we suddenly paused and said, "Okay, go for it."  Just like that, our children turned around excitedly and practically ran back up the path.  My husband and I, on the other hand, trudged, slightly irritated and tired, but up we went.
       We climbed through impossibly thick and tangled rhododendron, clung onto protruding roots, slide along slimy rocks and tried not to kill ourselves.  We came out muddy and gasping through the brush and saw:
     God's supernatural signature.
     Sometimes His choicest gifts require time and sacrifice and effort.  Sometimes we just have to say no to our to do lists and our schedules and our chores and our worries and just go a bit higher, dig a bit deeper and trust that He has something better for us on the other side of our discomfort or fear or sorrow or struggle.  Sometimes joy is just on the other side or just around the bend or just up ahead... but you have to be willing to endure the pain to get there.
     But, boy, is it worth it.  I will never forget that wondrous moment of feeling the mist from the powerfully tumbling waters and watching the unmitigated joy on the faces of my children and seeing close-up and firsthand the glory of God.   He is worth it every single time.
     So wherever you are, keep hiking, keep going,  keep trying, keep trusting.  His glory is just ahead.  To God be the glory.

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