Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Annoyances... to praise

     It's early morning (my favorite time of day--thank You Lord for the peace and the still predawn darkness).  I just sat down with a big mug of hot tea (again, thank You Lord), my Bible (thanks again, Father), and two warm, soft, beautiful prayer blanket/shawls dear friends made for us during Janie's hospitalization (Okay, this is how we should live, isn't it, Lord? "Always giving thanks to God" Eph.3:20--so thank you thank you thank you--for friends, for prayer, for prayer blankets, for warmth on a cool morning, for quiet in my home... well, and for my home and for all the noise and activity that evidences the people that I love and makes me appreciate quiet!)
     Okay, where on earth was I?  Do they make ADD medicine for adults?
     Well, it's funny, here is what I was going to write before God interrupted me and reminded me to be thankful to the Giver of all good gifts: Just as I happily sat down in the wonderful dark stillness with my steaming mug of tea, my Bible open, and my hands on the computer keys, the dryer buzzed to let me know the clothes in the dryer were ready.  And I don't mean like a little delicate, ladylike buzz.  We're talking BUZZED BUZZED BUZZED--ear splitting, Rambo-like, insistent, annoying (to quote an oft-used phrase by my children... that and "random"--what is the deal with the word "random?"  As in "that 'random' girl"--something I despise hearing from anyone's lips. Nobody is random!  We are all made in God's image, created and loved and cherished by our Father whose love for each and every person was so immense, He made a plan way back at the dawn of time to redeem His dearly beloved children by sending His Son to die for them.  No one is random--not by the Redeemer!)
     O mercy, just commit me.  Where was I again?  Somehow, God seems to be reminding me how ridiculous our annoyances truly are in light of His greatness.  Because what I was going to say, was that the insistent BUZZ of the dryer reflected those annoyances and little problems in my life that can so quickly deflect and discourage me and get me off track from keeping God front and center in my life.   How many times has God taught us something in church or Bible study, and an hour later, we completely forget His Word and His presence when someone cuts us off on the highway or our child forgets something at school again (not that this has ever happened at our house) or we look at our to-do list from yesterday and realize we forgot to do the items we starred three times.  Sigh.  It's the little foxes that spoil the vine.
     Forgive us Father.  And the antidote, God just reminded silly, forgetful me, is praise and thanksgiving.  Turn those "annoyances" or little fox problems into vehicles to remind ourselves to be grateful.  Thank you that I can stand up and walk to the dryer.   Thank You that we are no longer in the hospital, and I'm home to put clothes in the dryer.  Thank You we have clothes to put in the dryer.  Thank You we have a dryer.  Thank You for the priceless beyond measure people in my life whose clothes I am drying.  Thank You that You are a God who never quits on us even when we allow little problems to get us irritated or downhearted.  And thank You for problems, Lord, as they drive us to You in dependence and need--the very best place to be. And thank You that those problems are the pathways for You to intervene in our lives and display Your power and Your glory.
     So, the dryer has stopped buzzing, the tea is gone, and it's just God and me (well, and Moses, of course) enjoying the peace and smiling at the greatness and goodness of an Almighty Lord who would sit and visit with His grateful child.  Thank You, Abba.  Let's go out and live this day together, all to Your glory and all by Your grace.
     Might you do the same.  He's with you even in the annoyances--let's makes them reminders to give Him praise.  To God be the glory.

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