Sunday, October 21, 2012

Grace upon grace

     O yes, stop number one on the State Fair Rolling Eating Extravaganza!  Grilled corn and assorted burgers and biscuits.  Life is good.
     And then there's the fried Oreos for course number two.  Mighty tasty though a bit insubstantial for the price.  But then again, this is the Fair.  We weren't anticipating Cosco-type size and value.  It's truly remarkable all the things they dream up to fry in a nice thick batter.  Some major ingenuity going on behind the scenes at the State Fair.  I'm wondering if I could try this at home and get my boys to eat more vegetables and a few less bowls of Apple Jacks and Reeses Puffs ( we are all about nutrition at our house).
Decisions, decisions, decisions.  What to eat next?  hmm.  So much food, so little time.  Life is just all about choices, isn't it?  I'm thinking we went for the tempura vegetables.  I'd forgotten they are about 98% fried coating and 2% vegetable.  No wonder we love them.  Paula Deene would be proud.  Dr. Oz, not so much.  Fortunately, we have never seen him at the Fair.  He doesn't know what he's missing.

Rolling along.  Now on to the honey cotton candy course.  Life is very good--even if they don't look all that excited.  We really were having fun, but by this point we began the aimless wandering part of our trek through the Fair.  Now my husband knows what Moses felt like with all those Israelites in the wilderness.  All that manna, all that leading by the Lord, all that marvelous provision of God... and all they do is complain.  Not that our children ever complain, O nooooo.  Never.
 Just had to include one picture showing everyone lookin' good!  I'm betting this was before the fried dough immediately followed by the NC State ice cream (which was, incidentally, as wonderful and satisfying and huge as ever--never ever disappoints, kind of like the glorious grace of our never-failing Father!).  (The really tall, handsome fellow at the back is Mary Norris' boyfriend, Matt--in case you were wondering--which you probably were not.)  At this point we were missing one son, Preyer, who had bailed to go with his buddy, Brooks, to ride some more rides.  They got a bit tired of the aimless wandering in search of yet more Fair food.  I can't imagine why.  There were thousands of calories yet to be found and consumed.  Brooks was a very very good sport.
     The view as we were leaving.  I'm a crummy photographer, but it really was pretty, seeing all those lights and all those people pouring in and out with their families and friends--laughing, talking, just enjoying the goodness of life and the simple joy of being together.
     We will never take such simple gifts for granted again.  The day we went to the Fair, it had been exactly 8 weeks since Janie's accident.  In fact, we arrived at the Fair at about the exact time of the wreak.  Who would have thought... who would have ever dreamed we could have all been together, our whole family, and enjoying the State Fair together?  God, You just amaze me.  I just read in this morning's Daily Light: "And from His fullness, we have all received grace upon grace." (John 1:16)  Amen, Lord.  Grace upon grace upon grace upon grace.
     Might we all never stop looking for--and thanking and praising continually for--His daily graces in our lives--big grace, small grace, sweet grace, friend grace, Word grace, safety grace, creation grace, five senses grace, love grace, forgiveness grace, fresh start grace, new morning grace, evening grace, sleep grace, perseverance grace, family grace... and, O so glorious, saving grace.
     "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.  That saved a wretch like me.  I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see."
     O to be known by, infinitely loved by, and saved by a glorious Savior whose amazing grace in our lives never ceases.  Thank You Father for sending Your Son.  Thank You for saving our daughter. Thank You for Your continuous goodness and grace in our lives.  Help us daily to see and savor Your love and care for us.  And thank You most of all  for saving us by Your amazing grace.  Might we never tire of, in John Piper's words, "savoring the Supreme Treasure of Christ."  To God be the glory.

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