Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Sun returns!

     O my stars--the sun!  The sun!  The sun!!!   Who knew how glorious the sight of blue skies and bright, streaming sunshine?!  It seems like weeks since we last spotted God's life-giving globe in the heavens.  Around here, it's been rain, drizzle, clouds, more drizzle, punctuated by occasional thunderstorms and downpours.  We're feeling positively mildewed... and begun to adjust to our London-like weather.  No wonder the English have such nice skin--surely not a spot of sun damage.
     Yesterday's downpours have led to today's SUN and warmth and beauty.  O boy, it was all worth it-- all that rain and mush and gloominess--if it could lead to this.  This spectacular day of blue and brightness and lush green surrounding us at every turn.  Trees, flowers, grass, all celebrating the arrival of spring and warmth and, did I mention?, SUN!  Thank You Lord!
     Now, I know full well the forecast calls for more English weather ahead, but that's okay, because all we needed was a little reminder, a little hint that the old sun is still shining above us even when we can't see it or feel it.  And if we have to endure some rough patches of weather--as in life--well, these too shall pass.
     It's just as true as the day King Solomon wrote it thousands of years ago: "For behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.  The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land." (Song of Sol.2:11-12)
     So the time for folding laundry and answering emails and cleaning up has past for the moment... Moses and I had to come outside and have a little quiet time.  That's him resting--okay, soundly snoozing and snoring--in the glorious warmth and light.  And this is me, writing and rejoicing in the goodness and never-failing faithfulness of our God.
     The rains in life will come.  Sometimes downpours of sorrow.  Sometimes drizzles of irritation.  Sometimes thick clouds of discouragement or defeat.
     But the sun always returns.  The sun is still there, always there.  Always over our world and ready to reassert it's life-giving, joy-promoting light and warmth.  Sometimes we just have to wait and trust--the sun's still there and it's coming.
     And so, too, our Son.  We may sometimes wonder where He is or when He will show up again.  But He's there.  Trust me, He's always there.  Always in control--even when we cannot see Him or feel Him.  And one day soon, the clouds and rain and drizzle will pass, and He will make all things bright and new and beautiful.  In His time.  In His perfect time.  But in the meantime, He gives us sneak peaks of His glory--and so we rejoice and remember and thank our glorious SON.
     To God be the glory.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Emily
    And all who have received the Son have the incredible blessing of living in the Son; Christ in me, my hope of glory (Collosians 1:27). Rain does clean the earth like tears clean a heart. Yet, joy always comes in the morning after a dark night of the oul!!
    Blessings from Juana's
