Monday, September 10, 2012

A hot breakfast!

     Home for the night last night, and, whew,  just have to say thank You, Lord!   So trite but so true: there is no place like home.  We tend to forget this in the daily grind--but remove this safe and loving harbor from your life for a while, and you'll remember to be thankful.
     Each time I return home for the night, however, I'm always clearly reminded of my complete inadequacy apart from Christ.  Seriously, we would have ground to an absolute halt--or maybe actually suffered a catastrophic train wreck--had it not been for the legions of friends who have cooked, cleaned, done laundry, decluttered (now there's a project for you in this house), helped with homework, carpooled, encouraged with flowers and food and books...
     O for pete's sake, I could be writing all day recalling the innumerable ways folks have loved and helped us.  How can we ever sufficiently thank them?  We can't.  Maybe we just need to live a life of continual, daily thanksgiving to those around us and to the Giver of all good gifts.  How many times do we hear it and say it and read it--but in the messiness and busyness of life, we tend to forget to be thankful!  Eph 5:20 " Giving thanks ALWAYS and for EVERYTHING to God, the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." I don't see any loopholes or exceptions in there.  Thanksgiving is the path to joy and peace, no question about it.
     But this morning, getting just two of our children off to school felt like, well, DEFCON 1.  Rushing through devotions with my older son, trying to get Moses out for his morning constitutional, and then brushing our younger son's hair while he ate a yogurt and finished his math homework we had forgotten about--and all done while he sat in nothing but his shorts since I was frantically looking for a clean shirt and socks.  Sigh.  I wonder if God gets tickled?  I'm betting so--I think He loves to remind me that it's all Him--all by His grace.  I would be the poster child for the worst mother in the history of time if it weren't for my Father helping and teaching and equipping and enabling me.
     Forgive me for sometimes forgetting, Lord, and for rushing off into my day without having breakfast with You first.  I just reread John 21.  Here are the disciples: they've been fishing and fishing, working and toiling and throwing out nets and pulling them back in... all night long.  And nothing--they've caught not one single fish.  As I heard not long ago---"just a whole lot of nothing."
     Doesn't that describe so many of us?  Seeking solace and satisfaction in things and places that never ever ultimately bring us joy and peace.  Busyness, wealth, status, achievement, addictions, whatever... after a long night of a whole lot of nothing, we grow emptier and weaker and more discouraged.
     And here's what Jesus says to us: "Hey, why don't you come and have breakfast with Me this morning?"
    After the disciples came onto the shore following their long night of fishing (and catching nothing until they obeyed His suggestion to throw the net out on the right side of the boat), "they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread... Jesus said to them, 'Come and have breakfast.'" (John 21:9,12)  Man, how good must that hot breakfast have tasted to those weary, cold disciples?  What a gift to sit with the risen Savior and eat a steaming hot, fresh breakfast and laugh and talk and enjoy His presence!
     He has that for each of us today.  The hot fish and fresh bread of His Word, ready to strengthen us for the day ahead and remind us of His incredible love for us. He fills our souls with a hot breakfast of Himself so we handle anything we might face.   O might we refuse to rush out into the world and all we have to do and face in our busy lives without stopping to enjoy the feast our Savior has prepared for us from His Word.
     So today, it's still DEFCON 1: I have a lot to do before I head back to the hospital in Chapel Hill--and I'm certain I won't get even a tenth of it done.  But that's okay, because I've just had a hot breakfast with the Master, and I'm fortified and ready!  I can't do this... but He can.  And He fills me with the supernatural sustenance of His joy and peace and power and hope for this day.  And tomorrow... well, breakfast will be ready and waiting, if we will each just stop and eat and enjoy!
    To God, our daily Bread of Life who waits to feed us each a hot breakfast of His Word, be all the glory.

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