Bingley enjoying a little quiet time...his head on my lap. We're studying the book of Philippians together. We both love it...a lot.
And you know what? I think the apostle Paul would like Bingley a lot too. You see, Mr. Bingley's got "Rejoice in the Lord, always; again, I will say rejoice!" (Phil.4:4) down pat....especially when food, another dog, or any member of the human species is involved.
Boy, how many times have I said it, but there's nothing like a dog--always so happy to see you, always thrilled to simply be with you, and always grateful for whatever you give them--whether time, toys, attention, or anything edible. Clearly, God put Bingley--with his enormous appreciation for a good meal--in the right family.
Okay, I know, I know. Dogs can't rejoice "in the Lord." God only gives that privilege to us humans. But dogs sure can teach us something about thankfulness and rejoicing, can't they?
You leave the house for 10 minutes to run to Target, and when you return, it's time for a happy dance! "Oh," you can almost hear your dog saying, "I've missed you soooooo much! I'm so glad you're home! I love it when you're home! And I love those shoes...maybe I can chew on them a little later and loosen them up for you. Or we could get something to eat--wouldn't that be fun?! Oh, you're home...I'm so happy, happy, happy!"
Yep, dogs know a little something about rejoicing and gratitude, and here's what I'm thinking: Heavenly Father, don't let a puppy out-rejoice us!
Seriously, might we be quick to rejoice in all things and in all ways for we know that come what may, our Lord reigns and His love for us has no limitations or no conditions. Surely we're not going to allow a bunch of dogs to outdo us when it comes to rejoicing and thanking?!
This day, just this day, Father, You have graciously given us so much! You've provided us with another day of breathing lungs to speak of Your goodness. Walking feet to go where You tell us. Tasting tongues to enjoy the delicious bounty of foods You've provided. Hearing ears to listen to and enjoy the voices of those we love. Seeing eyes to behold this wondrous creation all about us. Thinking minds to consider all You are and all You have done. Beating hearts to expend in love, love, and more love for those You've placed in our lives and for You, our Heavenly Daddy.
And most of all, we have You, Lord Jesus...and Your gift of eternal life for all who believe in You by faith.
No, our lives might not be perfect, not this side of heaven..but Lord, You are perfect. We rejoice not in our ideal circumstances but in our ever-faithful, ever-loving, ever-forgiving, and everlasting God. In Him, we can rest...and rise up rejoicing. For in Him, we always have infinite reason for rejoicing.
So it's about time for Bingley and me to get going...but by the grace of God, we'll be rejoicing throughout this day. And we're trusting that if God gives us tomorrow, He'll give us the grace to rejoice in Him tomorrow as well.
To God be the glory.
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